I usually look forward to Monday’s and the start of a new week but I have been dreading today all weekend. I haven’t felt like myself today and my mood has been completely off. I knew that eventually the day would come that Toodie would start school but I didn’t think it would creep up so quickly. Tomorrow will be her first day going to daycare and I am a total mess about it! My stomach has been in a knot all day, i couldn’t sleep last night, and all I keep thinking about is how she will be without me. I am very fortunate that since she was born I was able to be a stay at home mom and experience all of the milestones first hand. I don’t think I ever missed out on one smile, new word, or silly moment. There is no doubt that I am extremely thankful but I also know it is time for her to take the first step to being a big girl.
This past weekend we made our trip to Target to pick up the few things she needed before her big day. When we reached the aisle with all of the bagpacks and lunchboxes I showed her all of her choices to choose from – Tangled, Disney Princesses, Hello Kitty, and Barbie. I really thought she was going to pick Rapunzel from Tangled since she has been crazy about that movie for months now. Surprisingly she immediately went for the hot pink Barbie bagpack covered in sequins and sparkle. She is such a “foo foo” girl as my mom would call her. She loves anything pink, girly, and covered in glitter! Just the simple act of picking out her supplies for school made her so happy. I know in my heart she is ready to meet new friends and make memories. Guess I am just scared to let go and cut the cord. I have even stopped to ask my own mom if I am doing the right thing. Everyone tells me of course I am and this is going to be wonderful for her. She needs the social interaction with other children. While it’s only going to be for a few hours, two days a week, I am going to probably be on the edge counting the minutes until I get to pick her up tomorrow. Monday sure has flew by and tomorrow morning will only begin a new journey for us … Hope there are not too many bumps in the road getting there!
She is going to love it! It is hard at first but I promise it is fantastic for social mingling!
Thanks Melissa! I am hoping for the best 🙂 I think I am more nervous that she is anyways.
Just reading this has me wondering what I will be like on that first day of school.. quite a ways from now, but I know I too will be slight mess. It'll get easier over time I'm sure… keep your chin up! 🙂
That's always a big thing. I can vividly remember how I felt the first time my daughter went off to school without me. I hope your daughter enjoys her first day 🙂
I remember when my twins had their first day of pre-school. It was so long ago but I remember it well. They ran back in the car and locked it. They were scared, but came out and did fine! I took them back in the school and they started playing with toys and everything was okay. Now they are going to be 21 years old tomorrow. It seems like yesterday:) You and your daughter will do fine I'm sure:) She'll have lots of fun!
I'm following you from MBC on gfc and network blogs. Hope you will follow me back please:)
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Thank you both for stopping by and for your kind words 🙂 She had a terrific first day!