When it comes to choosing products for my family, there are select brands I trust and use without any resistance. Pampers being one of them! I remember the first diapers I ever received were the Pampers Swaddlers for newborns. After having Toodie, this is what the hospital provided me with and since then I have continued to be loyal to the brand. Their diapers,pull-ups, and durable wipes are the only ones that do not leak, irritate, or fall apart.
We have gone through many years in which Pampers have been an active participant in keeping my little one’s long nights of sleep dry and her dreams sweet as can be. From the time she was a tiny munchkin up until today, actively potty training, it has been the brand I have depended on to make the transition easier. Each parent has their own routine when it comes to bed time. But we all have one thing in common! Pampers assures us that each night of sleep will be comfortable, dry, and un-interuppted.
Our Sweep Sleep Time begins with a warm bubbly bath full of toys. After the soapy suds have dissolved and little fingers have turned to prunes, I bundle my sweet girl in her warm monkey robe. Once her jammies are on we snuggle under the covers, reading bed time stories and sharing our favorite parts of the day together. Soon, heavy eyes are closed and it’s time for mommy to get a few things done around the house. Hours later I always find a certain someone crawling into my bed to cuddle close. With Pampers, I am confident that I won’t wake up to wet sheets beneath me! The Pampers Baby Dry diapers offer 12 hours of overnight dryness thanks to their THREE layers of absorbency. They are flexible, snug, and the UltraAbsorb™ core creates outstanding leakage protection. They are available in sizes 1 through 6 to grow with your baby.
Pampers is well aware of the importance of peaceful sleep and a happy baby in the morning. This is why they are hosting an exciting giveaway. For the chance to win a year supply of Pampers Baby Dry Diapers and more, enter the Pinterest giveaway between April 10th and April 24th. Entrants can participate by pinning a special “Sweet Sleep Time” giveaway image that represents their favorite sleep time solution, rituals, moment, or product. For more information about the giveaway you can visit She Speaks on Facebook.

Through Coupons.com Pampers if offering parents a special coupon in which you have the opportunity to try a package of Baby Dry Diapers with a coupon for $1.50 off. Visit the link and print your coupon at home to bring into your nearest retailer. Remember, you can only print the coupon once but it can also be shared with friends and family by email so don’t hesitate to spread the love!
By visiting the Pampers Facebook page parents can submit photos of their child enjoying a sweet night of sleep for a chance to be featured as the “Sweet Sleep Time Moment of the Week.” You can also tweet your photos to @Pampers with the hash tag #PampersBabyDry.
One lucky Young At Heart Mommy reader will win the following “Sweet Sleep Time” Prize Pack including the following:
- Pampers Baby Dry Diapers (Winner selects size!)
- Pampers Sensitive Baby Wipes
- Constellation B Glow Animal
- “Where The Wild Things Are” storybook
- “Goodnight Moon” storybook
- “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” storybook
- 1 FREE Product Coupon For Pampers Diapers Or Pants
- 1 FREE Product Coupon For Pampers Wipes
Disclosure: Pampers provided me with the items above the facilitate this blog post and assist in making sleep time sweet!
Our routine is bath, teeth, story then turning on his Dream Lite, he adores it!
(d schmidt in widget)
I sing and rock him to sleep, it's our special time together. Thanks for the giveaway. Molly Bussler
We sing together.
Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy
I actually don't have a kid, I am wanting to win this for my nephew.
We start our nightly routine with reading night time books, cuddling, prayers and then a small glass of almond milk!
For my nephew, a bath right before bed time works!
We have a "dance party" before bed to get the wiggles out, bath time, then read a book or two and off to sleep!
Dinner, play, bath, bottle, bed!
We do bath, bottle, brush teeth, book, bed..
we love to take baths, read, say prayers and cuddle. [email protected]
I get her in her warm pajamas and make sure she has a dry diaper. Then I nurse her and that's usually enough to get her to sleep…at least for a while
read a story
we cuddle at night together
[email protected]
story time
I am past the baby stage (entering for niece) but a warm bath with lavender soap, massage with lavender lotion, a feed and snuggle and he went right out.
ours is
We read our kids bedtime stories then snuggle with them before bed. My husband or I sing the song that my husband wrote for each of our children before they go to bed too!
[email protected]
give her a bath and thenhold her and rock her to bed:)
tapping his bum till he falls asleep he loves that
Warm bath, lots of snuggles, book and her favorite stuffed animal of the day.
Singing and snuggling! Thanks for the giveaway!
We brush teeth, take a soothing bath, dress in PJs, hugs and kisses, and turn on their Baby Einstein soothers.
We ready him bedtime stories, we are consistent with his bedtime and never deviate (most important) and we do a calm down method 30 mins before bedtime where the lights are dimmed and we're doing things quietly.
Jamie Brigham
PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com
We read books. Heidi especially puts them right to sleep.
There is always a bath before bedtime. I find that this helps a lot. Patricia
Each night my husband and I keep an open mind when we put the little ones to bed fully accepting that they might well end up in our bed or needing us to night time parent. We don't believe parenting ends at bed time. Keeping an open mind helps us deal with the rare night the kids need us up!
Putting her Scooby Doo DVD on!
same routine everynight and no late naps
I give her a bath and then breastfeed
warm bath & lavendar lotion afterwards & read a book
We have a bed time routine for each child,My toddler is Dinner,A bath,Bedtime story then she gets tucked in for bed. For our son we feed him baby cereal,give him a bath,rub him with bedtime lotion,put oragel on his in coming teeth then he gets laid down for bed hopefully to sleep through the night.
we read some stories downstairs first, then snuggle bit, I let her choose a stuffed animal to bring into bed, she turns on her nightlight, then into her crib 🙂
Bath, snuggle, songs and rocking
Bath, story time and then bed time.
Same routine every night: bath read a book and into bed!
I nice warm lavendar bath, with lavendar lotion, tummy rub, & singing/rocking my baby.
My sons aren't babies anymore but they loved to be rocked to sleep 🙂
Thank you,
We do a bath, change into Jammie's, then story time!
We read books and relax together
Warm bath, milk and rock her til she falls asleep.
We have baths and then read before bed 🙂
light snack and potty before bedtime
jennifer marie
lilnursejen at yahoo dot com
Bathtime, storytime, then kisses goodnight.
we do bathtime irght before bedtime since teh warm water soothes them and gets the mellow for sleep
a nice warm bath and a story before bed
its a bath and a story book before bed for us too!
always the same time, a calming atmosphere before bedtime
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
We have a good night routine that usually helps everyone get to bed smoothly