This is a sponsored post on behalf of Hallmark. All opinions are my own.
Here are FIVE things to include in your bundle of joy’s bedtime routine, guaranteed to make the transition from day to night easier!
Getting a good night’s rest seems nearly impossible for all new parents. As you enter the world of parenthood, it becomes more of a past time than an actual necessity. Have you ever seen a walking “MOMbie?” Yes they exist and they’re typically running on a pot off coffee instead of brains. If you have at least once child then you know the struggle all to well. By the second you learn to live on 3-4 hours of sleep a night and when the third comes along, caffeine becomes a life line. Regardless of how many times you’ve gone through it, every sleep deprived parent can appreciate the consistency of a bedtime routine that actually works.
When Toodie was born, it was a challenge to get her to sleep through the entire night. Tackling the transition from day time to night can be very frustrating when your little bundle of joy does not want to participate! As a new mom, I was always over analyzing every little cry and coo that came out of her. After jumping at each faint mumble, gurgle, and whine – I regularly found myself dozing off during the wee hours of the A.M, only moments before she was due to be fed. Yes, I was that parent – the worry wart! I had to learn the hard way.
It wasn’t easy but several weeks of trial & error helped us get into the groove of having a newborn home. With a few changes in our routine, we were able to figure out how to make bedtime easier on all of us by getting Toodie to sleep the entire night.
Here are 5 things that worked for us and made the transition into sleep mode painless. New parent tested. New parent approved. New parent ESSENTIALS!
Swaddle blankets are an absolute must-have for baby. Swaddling is truly an art form and if done correctly, your little one will sleep soundly without any disturbances. Wrapping them up like little burritos may look funny but it actually makes them feel safe, secure, comfortable, and cozy. Think of them as a mini toaster. Before your baby’s internal thermostat kicks in, the swaddle blanket will help keep them warm. These feelings are also associated with being inside mommy’s womb which is why it’s a calming experience that will promote a better night’s rest.
A warm bath before bedtime can make all the difference in how well your baby will sleep through the night. JOHNSON’S® has created a 3 step routine that incorporates bath time and massage to promote relaxation before a long snooze. After bathing with JOHNSON’S® BEDTIME® Moisture Wash, a soothing massage can help them feel calm and ready for bed.
After a nice long bath and a calming massage, place baby in a comfy pair of pajamas. take this time to connect. Spending quiet time alone with your baby before you lay them down will also help them to feel more relaxed and at ease. Whether it’s by reading a story or singing a lullaby, this is the time to bond. The Good-Night Kisses Baby Gift Set has everything you need to set the mood for baby’s entry into dreamland.
At one point or another, every new parent discovers the beauty of the classic monotonous tunes known as lullabies. Not only do they help baby relax and drift of into a peaceful night’s sleep, the soft sounds remind them of being in your womb. Whether the music comes from a crib mobile or CD, continuous music will do the trick.
Before mastering a bedtime routine that actually works, make sure you have your feedings scheduled. By tracking your baby’s feedings, it will be much easier to establish a schedule that allows for lengthy naps and longer hours of rest at night. While newborns tend to wake up more often, every 2-3 hours, their stretches of sleep will increase as months pass. Hang in there! This may be the hard part but once your baby has gained a little weight, they will not need to be fed as often during odd hours of the night.
JOHNSON’S® knows exactly how important a good night’s rest is for parents and their babies. Their Good-Night Kisses Baby Gift Set has been curated to fight the bed time blues so all parties can sleep more soundly! You can enter to win your own set below. It contains the following items:
- JOHNSON’S® baby BEDTIME® bath
- JOHNSON’S® baby BEDTIME® lotion
- JOHNSON’S® baby shampoo calming lavender
- HALLMARK® Plush Owl
The Good-Night Kisses Baby Gift Set is available at Target, Babies ‘R Us and Buy Buy Baby.
A full tummy helps. Also, a comfy sleeper that fits well.
we follow a routine
These are some great tips! I have a baby nephew arriving any day now! So exciting! I’m passing along the article to my sister-in-law and hoping to win this set for them! Thanks for the tips!
I try my best to follow a routine although it is sometimes hard! I also use a sound machine with ocean waves for my son and it helps relax him.
Keep him on a schedule.
I am taking notes as I am expecting my first in a couple of weeks… but I’ve heard a routine helps!
I have a bedtime routine for my little ones so they know what to expect.
I’ve found she loves bath time right before bed, it makes her relax and sleep so soundly.
With a relaxing bath and soft music every night.
A good bath and snuggle time is very important
a fully belly and a nice warm bath
We stick to a routine
I think the most important thing is to establish a sleeping schedule!
We keep to a schedule. That seems to be the best!
I will be a first time mom in January 2017! I hope I figure out quickly how to get the little one a good night’s rest, as well as for mommy. 🙂
I try to put him to bed at the same time every nigth
Definitely a full tummy, also, lots of physical activity during the day!
Sticking to a routine
I ensure my little ones get a good nights rest by staying on a schedule.
Staying on schedule helps and a full tummy!
I try to keep a routine with my little ones when getting them ready for bed after they have a full stomach. Things like the diaper change, talking, praying, singing, tooth brushing, etc
A good dinner and a routine
We attempt to stick to a routine, lullabies, lotion, rocking and prayers.
Having a consistent bedtime routine is the best way I have found to help ensure sleep. 🙂
What I always found soothing for my babies was a nice bath and baby massages. Followed by some rocking and soft sung lullabies.
We always read a book before bed and “talk” about the day we had!
Sticking to a routine helps a ton!
full tummy and tlc
Warm lavender bath for my grandbabies.
Having a routine
I use JOHNSON’S® baby BEDTIME® bath.
Having a nice warm bath and a good meal always does the trick for a good night’s sleep.
We try to keep a normal routine each night.
A fully belly and a nice relaxing warm bath.
Have a nice comforting bath with J&J and rock them with a lullaby.
It’s all about the 3 Bs – bath, bottle, bed!
I try to keep a normal routine every night: warming bath and my baby’s favorite songs
Thank You for the chance
my sister uses gripe water to calm my nephews belly! he has a slight irritation to formula we think!
I give my lil son before bed and it relaxes him x
I make sure my granddaughter gets a go i d nights rest by making sure she has a full tummy and clean diaper.