Yesterday the summer officially came to an end when I dropped Toodie off for her first day of First Grade. As an overly emotional parent I had the expected feelings of excitement, fear, and a hint of sadness. I was going to miss hanging out with my little person all day. I knew the house was going to be extremely quiet without her giggles and endless energy. It always takes me a while to get back into the swing of things the first week or two. After last year I have learned it’s perfectly natural to twiddle my thumbs while counting the hours until I can pick her up, kiss that little face off, and ask a million questions about what she did in class. Of course, she still looks at me like I am crazy but I can’t help but act as if she was away for months. We’ve kind of become attached at the hip as she has gotten older. I know it won’t always be this way so I am savoring every moment before she becomes a teenager and wants nothing to do with me!
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