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Pimiento Cheese Green Beans
Last week I started thinking about the annual Thanksgiving feast we have at my mom’s house each year. It’s typically a full blown foodie fest that ends with you either unbuttoning your pants for extra room or a long nap wherever a comfy spot is available. From the traditional family dishes made from scratch to the seasonal pumpkin cheesecake, I end up in a blissful food coma almost immediately after cleaning my plate. Plopping on the couch post-meal to watch the annual parade in a cozy pair of pajamas just comes with the Turkey Day territory.
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Furry Monster Donut Bites
We’re creeping closer to Halloween as each day passes and I can’t help but feel like the month of October is going much faster than I would like it to. Can we just slow down? I still have haunted houses to visit, pumpkins to carve, and a tub of candy corn to gobble up. I wouldn’t mind if we extended the celebration and extra month or two, would you? Halloween is just too much fun to only be one night of the year!
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Salted Caramel Potato Chip Donuts
Summer is winding down but my mixer is still going full speed. With school starting in less than a week I am preparing for a baking drought as reality sets back in. That’s probably why I have been whipping up so many sweet goodies lately. I can already feel the beginning symptoms of baking withdrawal kicking in! While I know I’ll still find time to get creative in the kitchen, it’s kind of sad letting go of the freedom to be spontaneous with a spatula. These Salted Caramel Potato Chip Donuts are sure to make the transition a little easier. If you’ve never had potato chips crushed and sprinkled on your favorite dessert then you’re just not livin’. It’s hard to resist the sweet, salty, crunchy goodness they bring to an everyday batch of chocolate donuts.
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Sinisterly Sweet Maleficent Cupcakes
This #VillainDescendants shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CollectiveBias
Feeling villainous? Make a batch of Sinisterly Sweet Maleficent Cupcakes topped with edible chocolate headdresses to fit right into the new Disney Descendants movie.
Birthday Cake Truffles
Even though my birthday is a mere three months away I’ve been having pre-mature cravings for all things cake batter flavored. It’s kind of strange because I have always been more an ice cream cake fan and not so much the fluffy frosting coated slab of sweetness. These Birthday Cake Truffles have swayed me in a different direction and if you have a craving for cake batter, birthday cake, or colored candy sprinkles then I’m sure you’ll love them too. As if these little balls of delight could possibly get any better, they’re no-bake and made with one of the popular sandwich cookies- OREOS!
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Peanut Butter Mousse Brownie Cups
It’s hard to deny that peanut butter and chocolate make one heavenly combination. I’ve found that some of my favorite desserts are made with both of these ingredients, including these Decadent Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes I shared last year. Through my passion for baking I have come to learn that peanut butter isn’t just for sandwiches. That’s right jelly, I’m talking to you. Move on over because there’s a new dynamic duo in town. Today we appreciate the ooey gooey glory that is known as peanut butter and it’s true partner in crime, chocolate! These Peanut Butter Mousse Brownie Cups will confirm that these two make the perfect pair.
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Cinnamon Streusel Cheesecake Muffins
This #QuakerRealMedleys shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CollectiveBias
When school ended I had convinced myself that the next few months were going to be a breeze. How hectic could Summer really be? This is suppose to be the one time of the year where we can sit back, relax, and treat each day as a spontaneous adventure. Besides not having to wake up obnoxiously early everyday, I haven’t had to put too much effort into dragging my daughter out of bed each morning. We’ve kind of been playing it by ear and enjoying our time together. Even with a relaxed schedule in place I make sure that breakfast time is still recognized as the most important meal of the day. After all, we need something to get us charged up after being lazy bums. Breakfast is my favorite meal anyways and it’s one that you will never have to force me to participate in, even on the busiest of days.
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Cheese Stuffed Garlic Crescent Puffs
I grew up in a household in which bread was always served at dinner time. Biscuits, croissants, buttered toast, garlic bread, corn bread-each addition tied the meal together depending on what we were having that night. It may sound like a weak excuse but this is what I blame my current bread addiction on! I love bread just as it is, I really really do. But I love it even more smothered in garlic butter and stuffed with melted cheese. I have yet to meet another human being who doesn’t share the same feeling. Bread lovers rejoice. This recipe may change your life, for the better.
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Mini Muesli Salted Caramel Apple Crisps

I’ve been a little disconnected from my desserts lately but in my defense I will say it’s been for a good reason. Even though I have changed many things about my current diet in hopes of following a healthier lifestyle, a girl likes to have a treat here and there. For someone like me who loves to bake there really is no clean break from fulfilling an aching sweet tooth. It comes. It goes. It lurks in the shadows morning, noon, and night. This is why I love making mini desserts that I can enjoy on my own or share with a fellow sugar bug, usually my little person who loves them just as much as I do. After all, it IS summer and I can’t let it slip away without making my delicious Mini Salted Caramel Apple Crisps!
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