Skincare is a topic that has become more and more important to me as each year passes. When I was 15, I had flawless skin. No blemishes, redness, blotchy spots, or fine lines. Those were the days… I appreciated my skin but always thought that it would remain porcelain and perfect. I didn’t care about taking care of my skin or preparing it for the years to come. At that age, don’t we all think we are “invisible”to the signs of aging among other things? My mom always encouraged me to start taking care of my complexion as a teen. “It is never too early to start taking care of your skin,” she would say. As a teenager the words went in one ear and right out the other! Needless to say, a year or so later I began my interest in skincare and researched brands that would best suit me. Here I am today, skincare and beauty junkie that can’t get enough!