3. I made an afternoon doctor’s appointment for Toodie and about an hour before, I started to get our things ready to go. I was sitting on the computer and she was watching Little Bear behind me in the living room. The whole time I heard a really loud snoring noise but assumed it was my Pug doggie Chloe because this is typical of her! I saw Toodie sitting in our big chair and went to my room to get dressed so we could head out. I came back to get her and this is what I found! My poor baby can fall asleep anywhere when she isn’t feeling well. She was also the source of the loud snoring 🙂
4. We caught Toodie sniffing one of our dog’s butts the other night. Not really sure what she was doing but I am almost positive it didn’t smell like flowers. Just a hunch…
5. If you have heard of Pillow Pets then I am sure you are familiar with Dream Lites. Toodie has been asking for a Dream Lite for the past month but the Butterfly she wants had been sold out. My mom found a Ladybug with a similiar concept at Toys R Us to hold her over. Every single night Toodie puts her ladybug on and makes me sing the Dreamlite song from the commercial. I sing it over… over… over.. and over again until she falls asleeep. I have never been so sick of a song with only 4 lines in my life!