As a Mom Ambassador for Moms Meet, I have the opportunity to sample and share green products that are new to me. Since becoming a member prior to starting my blog, there are several sampling programs I have been a part of. These include Ecover Laundry Detergent, Crunchmaster Gluten Free Crackers, and now the Kashi Soft Baked Chocolate Squares. Moms Meet and Kashi provided me with a package consisting of numerous boxes of the Soft Baked Chocolate Squares, 2 boxes of cereal, a reusable Kashi tote, and even a box of their Banana Chocolate Chip Squares. There was plenty to go around and I couldn’t wait to try and share!
By taking your first glance at the brownie, you may not think there is anything real special about it. If you look at the ingredient list, you will quickly realize that this is not your typical brownie. The Soft Baked Chocolate Squares are made from whole cocoa, grains, sweet potatoes, and black beans! They are also sweetened by using all natural Agave nectar which comes from a plant that looks similar to a cactus. This is commonly used as an alternative sweetener instead of using white sugar and high fructose corn syrup. If I would have not attended the informative Kashi webinar prior to receiving my sampling kit, there is no way I would have even guessed it contained these ingredients. These bars are not overly sweet but still have a rich chocolate taste. The flavor reminds me of dark organic chocolate. I am a huge sucker for anything dark chocolate and these hit the spot when my sweet tooth strikes.
These chocolate squares are comparable to a dense brownie or cake. They may be thicker than what you are used to and the texture is quite different. I liked that they were chewy but found them to be dry in the center. Kashi should tweak their ingredient list and add applesauce to make them more moist. Everyone who tasted these made the same comment and we all agreed that such a small change would make a huge difference. I DID enjoy them but I had a hard time finishing one without a glass of milk in hand. Aside from that, these are a delicious healthier alternative for snacking and to subside sugary cravings. I have been keeping one in my purse each time I leave the house, and it really has helped me to avoid tempting junk food that lingers in my path! Since they are only 160 calories per square, I don’t feel that guilty indulging a little. It’s probably better than that twinkie in the vending machine.
I wasn’t sure if Toodie was going to like them or not. She is very picky when it comes to her snacks and of course as a child, prefers the bad stuff. After tasting one for herself she thought it was a regular brownie. One day I found her in the pantry asking me for a “cookie” while pointing to the Kashi box. I wanted to also add that if you have a child who suffers from constipation or needs a little regulation, these are AWESOME. Each bar contains 4 grams on top of the black beans! Toodie has had problems with constipation for the past couple of years and I found that these helped. On the days she eats a whole bar she has absolutely NO problem going. I didn’t realize what a difference an all natural treat made compared to the sugary processed snacks I usually buy. I have always been a fan of Kashi but now I am even more impressed with the variety of products they are coming out with. There is no doubt that they are committed to improving our health and eating habits. Have you tried these bars or had a positive experience switching to Kashi products? I would love to know!
If you would like more information on the Kashi Soft Baked Chocolate Squares and other products, you can visit their site here. Also, follow along on Facebook for updates, promotions, and savings.
Disclosure: I received the products in participation with the Moms Meet Ambassador Program for my consideration and to share with others. I am under no obligation to post a positive review on them. I will not be compensated for this review. As always, opinion are my own!